About Us
Founded by Rose Lacher, in 1985, along with Rabbi Robert 'Jeremiah' Bergman of blessed memory, and Rabbi Moishe Engel of Chabad, The "inception" of The Jeremiah Society started as a grassroots socialization program for Jewish developmentally disabled adults. From this germinated idea, came the opportunity to encourage capable adults to "thrive" through an enriching program.
Rose is a compassionate woman who is dedicated to addressing the needs of these individuals for inclusion within the Jewish Community. Her generosity and tireless efforts have empowered so many to love, learn and worship Jewish traditions in a nurturing and a least restrictive environment. It is through her commitment and encouragement she gives a voice to the members to realize their full potential. |
Establishing Lasting Friendships
The Jewish Community Center of Orange County was located at an unused public school in Garden Grove. At that time, beloved Rabbi Robert 'Jeremiah' Bergman was CEO. He and Rabbi Moishe Engel of Chabad Hebrew Academy approached Rose to sponsor a Hanukkah party for people with developmental disabilities. At that first Hanukkah party two and a half decades ago, Rose peeled and grated 10 pounds of potatoes for latkes. Rabbi Bergman and Rabbi Engel invited three people. "My daughter Amy and a gentile friend Cathy, made five guests; that was the seed of The Jeremiah Society" Rose says. |
Happy Smiles
Roses Dream Becomes Reality
It was Rose's dream to march forward beyond that party as there was nothing in the Jewish Community for people with developmental disabilities. "When Rabbi Bergman passed away in 1989, we honored him by adopting his middle name 'Jeremiah' as the name for this growing Society. To my mind, The Jeremiah Society had to be something more than teaching our Jewish disabled that they are Jewish" states Rose.
Our genesis was long ago at the Jewish Community Center in Garden Grove which morphed to the JCC on Baker Street then to the JCC in Irvine. Home is now at Temple Bat Yahm in Newport Beach. Along the way, we have been hosted for special occasions at Temple B'nai Tzedek and Heritage Pointe. We began with three adults for a Hanukkah celebration and now has grown in number and spirit and helped spread the word of acceptance and inclusion in the community. Over the years, friendships have developed amongst members who are exceptionally supportive of one another.
With the assistance of Rabbis; professional dance, music and art therapists and volunteers, the program has developed to be the best of it's kind. And, every year since it's inception, the "Society" has held that special Hanukkah party where Rabbi Moishe Engel of Chabad participates in the menorah lighting, and gives each member a crisp dollar bill.
With the assistance of Rabbis; professional dance, music and art therapists and volunteers, the program has developed to be the best of it's kind. And, every year since it's inception, the "Society" has held that special Hanukkah party where Rabbi Moishe Engel of Chabad participates in the menorah lighting, and gives each member a crisp dollar bill.
Proud of Our Jewish Heritage
The Jeremiah Society embraces the uniqueness of each individual and encourages independence and freedom of choice within a framework of Jewish Culture and values. Each person brings a valuable contribution and is very proud of his and her Jewish Heritage.
For more information please contact:
Sheldon Lacher